Before you hire a copywriter, ask them these 8 important questions

So, you’re looking for a freelance copywriter. Unless you know someone who knows a good writer you’ll probably have to go on Google. You’ll soon see that there are hundreds of us! So who do you go with? Here are a few essential questions to ask which will help you make up your mind:

How do you charge?

It depends on the job. Most good copywriters won’t compete on price. But as someone who needs a copywriter, you need to know what you’re going to be charged! There are two ways copywriters work this out:

  • By the hour or day – this makes it easy for you and the copywriter to come to an agreement. It’s sometimes difficult for a copywriter to work out a cost for a job before starting on it. But it can be easier to estimate that it should take 6 to 8 hours, or 1 to 2 days. What you need to do is agree with the copywriter on a set amount of time for your job, then you know exactly what you’ll be paying.

  • A fixed fee – a copywriter will judge the amount of work and the time needed and give you a fixed quote. One drawback can be that if it’s a large project it’s difficult to predict how long will be needed. Therefore, the copywriter will add on a premium to cover him or herself in case the project takes much longer than expected. So a project which should cost £500 might be quoted at £750 or even £1000. 

The best thing to do is make sure you get a written quote from your copywriter before proceeding. You should also ask to see a copy of their Terms and Conditions before proceeding.

How much do you charge?

On average, copywriters charge anything between £150 and £500 per day. The average daily rate in 2019 was £346 per day. If you’re getting three quotes, it might be best to go for the middle one, assuming that you get a good feeling about that copywriter.

Can I see examples of your work?

Your prospective copywriter should be able to send you loads of examples of work, either as web links to published work or PDFs. Make sure you see these before going ahead. 

What are your payment terms?

As with any business, the payment terms will vary. Most copywriters have payment terms of 30 days. Many copywriters will also ask new clients for a deposit upfront, usually around 50% before starting work. This will probably be laid out in their Terms and Conditions.

How long will it take?

This depends on the size of your project and the other ongoing work that the copywriter has. Many copywriters are often either very busy or have plenty of spare capacity! You can agree a timescale with your copywriter before he or she starts work. Some jobs can be turned around very quickly. Others will need a detailed brief, considerable research and 2 or 3 rounds of feedback and amendments.

How many rounds of amendments do you offer?

If it’s work for an existing long-standing client, most copywriters can usually get it right first time. With a project for a new client, the first draft will probably be just about there, but might need a few small amendments. Sometimes, your copywriter may be wide of the mark and a major rewrite could be needed. So always ask them how many rewrites will be included in their quoted price.

Do I own the words after you’ve written them?

Most copywriters will give you the full copyright to the work once their invoice has been paid. This should be covered in their Terms and Conditions. 

Can we have a meeting to discuss my project?

Any good copywriter will be more than happy to meet up for a chat. They will get to meet you, see your business and get a clearer picture of you and the challenges you face. It’s worth checking if your copywriter charges for travel costs and time spent with you. Some do. Some don’t. If you’ve booked a copywriter who is based some distance away, you can talk to them on the phone or have a conference call using Skype or Zoom.

Hope these answers are useful. If you have any more questions, go to our FAQ section. Or get in touch. Call 07966 196706, email or use the Contact Form.