Why you need a copywriter who thinks as well as writes

Not all copywriters are the same.

Many copywriters just take a brief and produce as many words as needed.

Other copywriters don’t even take the brief. They go back a step and start by talking to you. They get to know your business, the unique challenges you face and what your goals are. These are creative copywriters.

So these copywriters don’t just go ahead and write the advertisement, landing page, microsite, leaflet or email campaign you’ve asked for.

After talking to you and discovering exactly what you want to achieve, they might come up with an idea for something totally different, which will work better than what you asked for.

It could be a case study, a social media campaign or a direct mailer. The idea might not even need lots of copy or content, like a video, but it will achieve your objective much more cost effectively.

So, a creative copywriter will take a brief and question it inside and out. They are often freelance copywriters who don’t get a decent brief a lot of the time, so they have to write their own. This process involves asking tons of questions about you, your business and your products and services:

  • How were your products developed?

  • What do they do?

  • Why are they good?

  • Do they have any weak points?

  • What could be improved?

  • Are they unique?

  • Do you do anything no other company can?

  • Is your service different?

  • Who are your competitors?

  • What problems do you have?

  • What opportunities are on the horizon?

Sometimes, it can be really helpful for a copywriter to talk to other people in your business – your manufacturing team, designers, salespeople, admin staff, engineers, product quality teams, customer service staff and so on.

Often they might have a little nugget of information which seems insignificant to them, but which can actually inspire a whole product story.

This famous ad written by advertising legend David Ogilvy came about after a chat with an engineer. He mentioned to Ogilvy that at 60mph the loudest sound in the new Rolls Royce was the electric clock. That’s a far more creative and memorable way of saying that the car is very quiet.

Cue great ad.


Most important of all, a creative copywriter can help you come up with a USP – a Unique Selling Proposition. This is the single, most important thing that makes your product or service or brand the best. It’s the one key benefit that will make a potential customer choose you over your competitors.

A creative copywriter can then go on to promote this USP throughout your copywriting and content. And use it as a starting point to create a strong and distinctive tone of voice for your brand.

Creative copywriters think more about the task in hand, they ask more questions and also bring their experience of advertising, marketing, business and life in general to any challenge you face.

As a creative copywriter, I can throw my four decades of experience into the mix to help your business. To start the conversation, call 07966 196706, email jamie@worddept.com or use the Contact Form.